Special Events

Winter Solstice Lantern Walk —Cancelled due to Weather
Sunday, December 22nd, Petaluma
5:00pm — 6:00pm (4:30pm to make lanterns)

Join us for an all-ages gathering to mark Yule, the Winter Solstice, the shortest day, and the longest night of the year. With our lanterns we will celebrate the shining of light in the midst of the darkness, the spark of light that leads to the birth of the new year. The walk will take place in a local park in Petaluma.

At this family-oriented event, we will share songs, hot cider, and a lantern walk procession. Please bring a lantern and we will provide battery tea lights. Or, join us a bit early to make lanterns.

4:30pm Optional Lantern-making with local Waldorf teacher, Stacy Ito (please bring a glass jar)
5:00pm Hot cider & conversation
5:15pm Solstice lantern walk

This will be an all ages event and will only last around an hour. Rain will cancel. Dress warmly, bring lanterns or glass jars to make lanterns (4:30pm).

Please register below. Suggested donation is $10/adult; kids are free. Full location details will be emailed after registration is complete. Payment for all special events free for Patrons of Wild Church.

Past Events

Family Samhain Gathering
Sunday, October 30th, Petaluma
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Join us for an all-ages gathering and ritual to mark Samhain (pronounced Sow-in), a time on the Celtic Wheel of the Year when the veil between the worlds is most thin. Samhain is the Celtic “death of the year” and is the gateway to the darkest months of winter. It marks the end of the third and final harvest, and is a day to commune with and honor and remember the dead. It is a celebration of the eternal cycle of rebirth.

The origins of “All Hallows Eve” or Halloween are found in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead are blurred. On the evening of October 31st, the people wore costumes to hide themselves from the roaming spirits, carved faces into turnips and root vegetables, and gave out treats to appease the ancestors. We will gather at this time to honor the spirits who have have passed through before us and to ground ourselves in this season of transition into winter.

Costumes are welcome. Attendees will be invited to contribute to our Ancestors altar but nothing is required.
All are welcome. Payment for special events free for Patrons of Wild Church.

Autumnal Equinox Sunrise Hike
Thursday, September 22nd
Helen Putnam Regional Park, Petaluma
6:30am - 7:30am

Join Wild Church Petaluma for a hike to greet the sun on the Fall Equinox, Thursday, September 22nd. We will walk together to the eastern point of the park and do a simple ritual together to mark this time where we shift into the dark half of the year. The hike will be 1.8 miles total.

Circumambulation of Helen Putnam Regional Park
Sunday, August 14th, 2022, 10:00am - 11:30am

Circumambulation, an intentional, ceremonial circling of a sacred object, is an ancient ritual with roots in many world cultures. In 1965, Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, and Philip Whalen, poets and students of Buddhism set out on a ritualized walking meditation, or circumambulation, of Mt. Tamalpais. Hiking clockwise as tradition dictated, they selected notable natural features along the way and assigned rituals to perform at each: Buddhist and Hindu chants, spells, sutras, and vows. You can read more here.

For our Wild Church Petaluma community, what does this practice mean? Should we hike 14 miles around a mountain in Marin? Or, can we honor what is sacred to us, closer to home? We will be doing a community circumambulation of Helen Putnam Regional Park. The hike will be 2.8 miles, with 500 ft elevation gain. We will stop at each of the four directions to honor the land and acknowledge the sacred in that place.